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Loving Kindness Meditation

One day, the Buddha sent a group of monks into the forest to meditate. In no time at all, the monks returned, complaining that there were lions, tigers and bears in the forest, and that they were frightened. The Buddha listened to their complaints and then gave them the words of the meditation below, and sent them back into the forest.

May I be filled with Loving Kindness
May I be well
May I be peaceful and at ease
May I be happy

The loving kindness meditation has been given to me by Nancy Gilgoff during an Asthanga workshop last weekend. Nancy began practicing Ashtanga Yoga over forty years ago with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, in Mysore India. She teaches with her very own style coming directly from Pattabhi Jois. When Nancy asked Jois how she should teach, he told her to “teach the way I taught you”—an advice she took to heart and continues to do nowadays.

We did this mediation at the end of the workshop and it really touched my heart. It is 4 simple but powerful sentences. Every time I need it, I do this meditation and it brings me automatically positive thinkings and joy into my life. I try to do it every day and be grateful for this life we have. Everyday is a gift!

You can also replace the”I” by “YOU” in order to redirect this positive energy to the person of your choice. It can be someone you love, someone you know or someone you dislike. It will bring a positive and loving energy every time.

For other techniques of meditation, you can see our meditation for beginners article.


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