About us

About Us
Lydie and Juan are long time yogis and have spent time around the world learning and teaching various methods of yoga including Ashtanga, Barkan (hot yoga), Yin and Tantra Yoga. They now give yoga classes and workshops in Switzerland and Barcelona, Spain. They also work in the Corporate Yoga field and help companies to create their own Yoga events in both countries. They teach in English, French and Spanish.
Yoga Teacher Training Courses
2013: 30 Hrs Childplay Yoga Teacher Training Program by Gurudass Kaur Khalsa
2014: 200 Hrs Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course with All Yoga Training School, Thailand, Yoga Alliance® certified.
2015: 30 Hrs Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Jo Phee, Germany, Yoga Alliance® certified.
2017: 200 Hrs Traditional Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course with Shri Kali Ashram, India, Yoga Alliance® certified.
2017: Level II/III 100 Hrs Barkan Method Hot Yoga Teacher Training Course with Jimmy Barkan, USA, Yoga Alliance® certified.
2018: Level II/III 100 Hrs Barkan Method Hot Yoga Teacher Training Course with Jimmy Barkan, USA, Yoga Alliance® certified.
Mentor teachers/ Workshops:
Vari Morales, Edson, Jimmy Barkan, Patrick Beach, Kino Yoga, Talia Sutra, Anni Au, Nico Luce, and many more…
We have of course learnt so much through our dear students, that are also great teachers.

Juan is colombian-american and teaches mainly Hot Yoga and Power Yoga with Ashtanga influence in English or Spanish. He wants to transmit to his students his passion for yoga and the different techniques he has learned the past 10 years. His teaching is fluid, friendly and energetic!

Yoga Teacher
Lydie is a Swiss native and has always been interested the science of yoga. During a sabbatical year around the world, she became officially an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher. She has kept studying different styles of yoga through various trainings and workshops. Throughout the years, she became a yoga teacher in Yin and Tantra Yoga. She has good knowledge in Kundalini Yoga and Child Play yoga. Her teaching is flowy and meditative. She teaches in French and English.