What an old yoga teacher will tell you?

I love to read about yoga stories and yoga tips and here is an ineresting article I found…

A mature teacher will tell you to be clear about the authenticity of your path. You are one of a kind. Your life experiences, your childhood, your family karmas, your physical needs, your nutritional needs, your emotional needs, everything you need to stay alive and in balance is original, and as unique as the fingerprints on your fingers.

To know yourself, it is not required to speak in Sanskrit or wear a bindi on your third eye. You do not need to put your feet behind your head, eat raw foods, be vegetarian, look sexy in yoga wear, or post selfies in handstands on social media. Those are objectification, and in the deeper world of yoga they are dangerous distractions. You don’t need to change who you are to become enlightened—true enlightenment is to embrace your core self, and your family karma that makes you uniquely “you”. To practice your yoga, you must remember that you are already perfect just as you are. You are complete in a humanly incomplete way, which gives you room for growth. You are deliciously flawed, and that gives you rich character. You are more beautiful than any rishi could have ever imagined, so there is no need to feel insecure around ever again.

And as unpleasant as they may seem, you were meant to have difficult experiences so that you can grow. These challenges do not go away when we change our name or who we think we are. They just dig in deeper. The greatest form of yoga is a life lived in balance. Should you run into your shadow along the way, know that you’re definitely on the right path. Work with the shadow fearlessly and compassionately, with your eyes wide open. The only faith required is in yourself, for the divine is only as beautiful as you feel you are. On your path, authenticity is spiritual power, as it is the highest expression of faith in yourself. Without faith in ourselves, we can not generate faith in anything else. Be fearless in your potential, and authentic in your practice. An older teacher will tell you that. 🙂

source: http://yoganonymous.com

yoga guru with student

Categories: Yoga lifestyle
